[vc_row][vc_column][nor_gallery layout_id=”nor-55493e85bad50″ images=”1739,1744,1745,1749,1741,1742,1740,1746,1747,1748,1750″ captions=”” randomize=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]untitled (him/dem/yuh/we), 2018
Dimensions variable
WAN DEAD, 2018
rubber, pipe, wire, wool, fabric, paper, door stop
18 x 30 x 48
pipe, broomstick, wool, fabric, door stop
approximately 40 x 60 x 12 inchesÂ
Traditionally experienced underfoot shag rugs are installed with metal and wood supports off the wall. The marigold, natural, and deep grey rugs have fragments of conversations the artist overheard or had. While not immediately clear upon approach reading the various texts reveals that everything written in Jamaican Patois. As a dialect and one most often spoken not written, the similarities to American and British English are many, though some phrases and words appear less clear to uninitiated. As any dialect the deviation is from a standard, indicating a hierarchy and a deviant.
The work and ultimately the author remain ambivalent to the legibility for all viewers, making no invitations or efforts to those who can not navigate access or their own entry points into the poetics; ultimately pointing to who is most often centered in language and what a reversal such an encounter can mark/signal. My work interrupts the endorsement of a center and gestures towards for an acknowledgment of those positions that are not centered.